Showcase Trebbe (MPG & PPI)

Use the home configurator to design your ideal home and see how your choices impact the Environmental Performance Guarantee and Paris Proof Indicators.

Showcase Trebbe (MPG & PPI)

The housing market is experiencing an increase in pressure, causing affordability to be a concern. Additionally, developments in sustainability are compelling us to make more thoughtful choices.

In response, Trebbe has introduced the “Bewust & Flexible” program. With “Bewust & Flexible,” you have control over the various components of your home, from the foundation to the roof, from the shell to the finishing, and from concrete to wood or a combination of both. This gives you the ability to make thoughtful decisions. We provide transparency regarding the costs, MPG, and ParisProof indicators, so you can see the impact of your choices. By doing so, you have the opportunity to design your home within an industrialized process that is both conscious and flexible.

Want to know more?

Want to know more about realising a similar project using the Innobrix software? Then get in touch with us!

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Experience the Innobrix platform!

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